Keywords: grant programs, financing of enterprises, post-war recovery, financial instrument, revitalization, state support


The article considers the importance of irrevocable financial assistance in the form of grants for micro, small and medium enterprises in the context of economic stability and post-war recovery of our country. It is analyzed how, with the help of various financial instruments, the Government of Ukraine supports the business environment, contributes to an increase in jobs and increases the profitability of the Budget of Ukraine in order to improve the defense capability. It has been determined that as a result of the Russian aggression against our state, enormous losses were incurred for the economy, a significant number of enterprises were destroyed and damaged, and due to destructive hostilities and constant shelling, large-scale migration processes took place, which affected the level of unemployment and economic activity in different regions. The study found that one of the important financial instruments to support the business environment is the provision of grant programs. The authors considered the current grant programs for enterprises, the conditions for their provision and actually what needs are allocated. Grant programs initiated by the state (through the eWork platform) and international partners have been studied. It has been determined that during the period of work of various grant programs (including eWork), the Ukrainian economy has positive tendencies to improve, there are also many positive examples of successful application of grant programs in the stories of representatives of Ukrainian business. The study analyzed the impact of grant programs on the functioning of business representatives, namely the amount of provision and the size of the expansion of state grant programs and the planned size of financial resources for 2024. As a result of the study, the key advantages of using grant programs for economic development and stimulating entrepreneurship in the state were identified. The study also found that in order to ensure high-quality economic recovery, it is necessary to continue identifying the urgent needs of the business community, strengthen the state-business dialogue and increase the availability of information on existing grant programs among potential applicants.


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How to Cite
Karnaushenko, A., & Yefremov, A. (2023). GRANT PROGRAMS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION OF UKRAINE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 183-195. Retrieved from