Keywords: quality, competitiveness, object of management, quality management, production activity, influencing factors


In the conditions the development of international trade, the effectiveness of enterprises on foreign and domestic markets depends entirely on the extent to which their products or services meet quality standards, therefore the problem of ensuring and improving product quality is relevant for all enterprises. Product quality is one of the most important criteria for the functioning of the enterprise. Increasing the technical level and requirements for the quality of products adjusts the pace of scientific and technical progress and the growth of production efficiency as a whole, and also significantly affects the intensification of the economy, the competitiveness of domestic goods, and the standard of living of the country's population. The growth of the technical level and quality of the products produced is currently the most characteristic feature of the work of enterprises in industrialized countries. Today, Ukrainian enterprises are lagging behind in the use of modern quality management methods. However, it is necessary to understand that quality improvement is impossible if managers at different levels do not treat quality as a way of life, because quality improvement carries enormous opportunities and is impossible without a change in attitude to quality at all levels. The article discusses the problems and the role of product quality management in the production process. External and internal factors affecting quality management are analyzed. The stages of formation and quality assurance of products are shown. Steady improvement of product quality and competitiveness is a means and result of production intensification, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of social production. The leadership and authority of the top management, the involvement of personnel and specialists qualified in the field of quality are a guarantee of the enterprise to make the most of the opportunities laid down in the requirements of the international standard ISO 9000 Product quality management should be understood as establishing, ensuring and maintaining an optimal level of quality during its development, production, storage, transportation, operation and consumption. The formation of management decisions is based on the comparison of information about the actual state of the controlled process with the characteristics of its result. Therefore, in the management of product quality by management objects, there are a number of processes on which product quality depends, and managerial decisions should be aimed at preserving the actual state of a certain process or at correcting this state.


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How to Cite
Shornikova, S., Pidopryhora, Y., & Topchii, N. (2023). PRODUCT QUALITY AS AN OBJECT OF MANUFACTURING MANAGEMENT. USE OF THE QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 162-169.