Keywords: agricultural enterprises, crisis conditions, strategic guidelines, stabilization, growth


The article examines strategic guidelines for the stabilization and growth of agricultural enterprises in crisis conditions. It was established that the main crisis phenomena of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of war are the destruction of logistics chains, the blocking of sea ports, problems with the reservation of workers, problems with the supply of fuel and lubricants and material and technical means, the destruction of production capacities and economic complexes, the impossibility of conducting field work in war zones. The vision of the situation in agriculture by Ukrainian farmers was analyzed, according to whom the main shortcomings are: insufficient qualified workers; weak protection of property rights and cases of raiding; problems in settlements with trade networks; risks associated with the possibility of power outages; unpredictable actions of the state and constant changes in legislation. It is established that it should be noted that the achievement of post-war economic prosperity in Ukraine will be possible only if the country’s economic policy measures are implemented within the framework of a clear and consistent strategy aimed at deregulation of the economy and creation of a favorable investment environment. The main priority of such a strategy should be the rethinking of the state’s budgetary priorities. It is important to make government policy more focused on people’s needs and to focus on improving the quality of life of the rural population. It is necessary to create the most attractive conditions for people to return to permanent residence in the countryside, and perhaps even to stimulate population migration from cities to rural areas, creating interesting opportunities for work and life there. It was emphasized that the main strategic guidelines for the stabilization and growth of agricultural enterprises in the conditions of post-war recovery should be: the liberalization of foreign trade, the creation and development of processing enterprises, the expansion of credit and state support for agricultural enterprises, and the implementation of European integration reforms.


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How to Cite
Rudenko, S., Riasnianska, A., & Popov, D. (2023). STRATEGIC GUIDELINES FOR THE STABILIZATION AND GROWTH OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 155-161.