Keywords: business strategy, martial law, information technology, business informatization, planning, industry development, tourism, tourism enterprises, strategy, Ukraine, digitalization


The relevance of the research topic is, first of all, to take into account the current conditions of organization and conduct of the tourism business to analyze the role and importance of information technology for its effective development and promotion strategy in the domestic and international tourism services market. At the analytical level, the time-relevant indicators of further development of the tourism industry in Ukraine are identified, taking into account the intensification of the system of information in the economic activities of travel agencies, their partners and segments of influence on the development of tourism and the diversity and dynamics of consumer market needs, which is the relevance of the scientific research. The purpose of the article is to analyze the system of state regulation and regulatory documents and the practice of their implementation in the tourism industry with a view to determining the strategy for introducing modern information technologies at enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine. The object of the study is indicators of strategic planning for the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine, taking into account the system of implementation of modern information technologies at tourism enterprises. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of defining the essence and forming a strategy for the introduction of modern information technologies at enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine. The methods of observation and comparison, systematization, synthesis and analysis, and statistical methods were used to reveal the topic of the research. The arguments for determining the appropriate indicators for the formation and substantiation of the strategy for the introduction of modern information technologies at enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine are generalized. The scientific theoretical and methodological, analytical and applied foundations for the basic aspects of forming a strategy for the introduction of modern information technologies at enterprises in the tourism industry of Ukraine are systematized, taking into account its priority areas and risks of the time. The conclusions of the research and the relevant proposals for the formation and further implementation of the planned measures for the strategic development of the tourism industry in Ukraine may be interesting and useful for tour operators and travel agents, relevant structural units of state authorities, local governments and education.


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