Keywords: investment, investment attractiveness, hospitality industry, restaurant business


The current stage of manifestation of globalization processes is determined by the increase in the value of investments both in the world economy and in the national economies of countries. Investment activity is the basis of the development of enterprises. Restaurant business enterprises do not need to attract large-scale investments, and modern researchers believe that this field of economic activity is one of the most promising, dynamically developing, has the highest index of investment attractiveness, and can also satisfy a fairly complex set of needs of the population. Therefore, increasing the investment attractiveness of the restaurant business will contribute to the attraction of investments in the field of hospitality, the competitiveness of restaurant enterprises, and will ensure high and stable rates of socio-economic growth. The purpose of the publication is to determine the place, role, research trends and assess the investment attractiveness of restaurant business enterprises. The article examines issues related to the peculiarities and trends in the development of the restaurant business, defines its essence and functions. It is noted that the restaurant business belongs to those spheres of the economy, the subjects of which are able to provide high profitability indicators, to develop dynamically, to be a promising and highly profitable type of business activity. It has been proven that the service market is sensitive to changes in the economic situation in the country, and a kind of indicator of socio-economic and socio-political problems. An analysis of the development of the restaurant industry in the dynamics of indicators for 2003-2020 was carried out. The volume of capital investments in food and beverage provision for 2015-2021 was given. It has been proven that capital investment in food and beverage activities is insufficient. The essence of the concept of investment attractiveness is substantiated. Factors affecting the investment attractiveness of restaurant business enterprises are determined. The main ways of increasing the investment attractiveness of the restaurant business are considered. It is noted that the formation of a legislative framework, the provision of legal guarantees, state support, planned use of resource opportunities, the organization of enterprise management, personnel support, the correct choice of the development concept, the use of innovations and the provision of modern innovative technologies are necessary to increase investments in the development of the restaurant business and its investment attractiveness. In Ukraine, there are prerequisites for the growth and development of the restaurant business, opportunities to attract domestic and foreign investments in this area of the economy. In the process of forming recommendations for increasing the investment attractiveness of the restaurant business, it is necessary to be guided by the individual characteristics of a specific enterprise and the market situation.


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How to Cite
Lagodiienko, V., & Bohdanova, M. (2023). INVESTMENT ATTRACTIVENESS OF THE RESTAURANT BUSINESS: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 106-113.