Keywords: grants, grants for medical institutions, grants for medicine, grants for hospitals, EU4Health, EU grants, European Commission grants


The article analyzes grant tools for supporting the health care system in Ukraine, in particular: the USAID project "Health Care Reform Support", the "Kusanone" program from the Japanese government, the LHSS UKRAINE program, the USAID project "Building a sustainable public health system ", the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in the direction of "Strengthening the capacity of mine-affected communities by providing comprehensive support", the joint project of the Ministry of Health and the World Bank "Strengthening the health care system and saving lives" (HEAL UKRAINE), as well as the programs of the European Commission EIC Accelerator and EU4HEALTH and the INTERREG NEXT Poland-Ukraine 2021-2027 program (priority "health"). It has been demonstrated that international, national and regional programs provide non-refundable, free and targeted support for health care entities in Ukraine . Emphasis was placed on the fact that measures to improve medical equipment, infrastructure, improve the qualifications of medical personnel and implement health care reform can be financed. It has been demonstrated that grantmakers provide small, medium and large grants to ensure the sustainable development of the health care system. It has been demonstrated that the grant instruments of programs and projects that operated in 2023 in Ukraine provided significant opportunities for strengthening the health care system. It is emphasized that the key benefit of these grants is that they allow to restore access to high-quality health services, overcome technical difficulties of local health systems and eliminate non-structural damage caused by war, as well as finance measures to stabilize and restore the health sector. i, covering cosmetic renovations, meeting the urgent needs of institutions, strengthening systems for procurement and distribution of medicines, and implementing digital and innovative tools. The study showed that potential grant recipients face a number of challenges in the process of applying for grant competitions, including: the lack of understanding by representatives of the health care industry for what and how they can receive a grant;. acute shortage of professional project managers, grant writers and fundraisers in medical institutions/institutions/organizations, partnership is mandatory. It is concluded that a worthy overcoming of these challenges will contribute to more effective use of grant tools by representatives of the health care industry of Ukraine in order to strengthen it.


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How to Cite
Kobelia-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2023). GRANT SUPPORT FOR STRENGTHENING THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN UKRAINE: ANALYSIS, PROSPECTS AND CHALLENGES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 94-105.