Keywords: methods, strategic development, industry, evaluation, economic added value, capital


The purpose of the article is a detailed study and assessment of the methods of assessing the added value of capital as tools aimed at the strategic development of enterprises in the food industry. In the course of the study, the authors seek to determine the optimal approaches to measuring the efficiency of capital use in the context of the food industry, in particular, by assessing the added value. The main tasks include the analysis of modern methods, their application in practice and determination of their potential to support strategic decisions. The article examines the issue of the efficiency of capital management at food industry enterprises through the prism of methods of assessing added value. The authors define economic added value as a key indicator of the success of enterprises and national economies as a whole. Research methodology includes: analysis of literary sources, comparative analysis of methods, analysis of recent research, formulation of problems and goals. The analysis of recent studies shows that although there are certain methodologies for assessing added value, domestic practice does not yet have a methodology adapted to the needs of different users and the specifics of business. The article highlights the concept of economic added value (EVA) as a key indicator of the performance of food industry enterprises. The main emphasis is on EVA calculation methods that take into account net operating profit after tax, weighted average cost of capital and invested capital. The authors indicate that the success of the enterprise is determined by the extent to which the profit exceeds the profitability of alternative investments. It is noted that the calculation of EVA takes into account not only the fee for using borrowed capital, but also own capital. Thus, the enterprise must ensure profitability, which allows to create additional value. The article contains an analysis of the results of EVA calculations for several food industry enterprises during 2019-2022. The diversity of results, dynamics of changes, as well as negative trends for some enterprises are noted. The practical value of the obtained results for food industry enterprises is: assessment of the efficiency of the enterprise, promotion of strategic capital management, investment selection criteria, etc. Practical tools for use in financial management and strategic planning for food industry enterprises are also provided.


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How to Cite
Druhova, O. (2023). EVALUATION METHODS AS TOOLS OF STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 80-85. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.18.8