Keywords: artificial intelligence, decision-making, management, business, development, innovation


The article examines the issue of artificial intelligence (AI) in the process of making and implementing management decisions, because nowadays the study of issues related to AI is becoming more and more relevant. It is emphasized that modern artificial intelligence systems can learn and independently adapt to specific working conditions without constant control and human intervention. The integration of artificial intelligence into production cycles and enterprise management systems is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the overall result due to the automation of tasks performed by the artificial intelligence system. When making management decisions, a software product can form specific insights and provide recommendations that may be important but easily missed by a human due to lack of awareness or limited analytical awareness in the development of decision-making algorithms. Therefore, the use of artificial intelligence technology leads to the improvement of management decisions. As a conclusion, it is said that the use of artificial intelligence systems in making management decisions has great potential in many areas, and is becoming an important direction in the development of modern science and practice. At the same time, it is necessary to pay due attention to the training of qualified personnel, provide the necessary financing and create appropriate production conditions for the further development of this promising direction. The study and implementation of artificial intelligence in management processes helps to increase efficiency, make better decisions and adapt to a rapidly changing business environment. Artificial intelligence opens up new opportunities for business management and management decision-making. It helps analyze data, automate processes and make informed decisions. However, it also requires a careful approach and consideration of ethical aspects. AI is becoming an integral part of modern management and business, helping to increase their efficiency and competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Drynov, D., Voitekh, K., & Tymoshenko, R. (2023). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THE PROCESS OF MAKING AND IMPLEMENTING MANAGERIAL DECISIONS. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 74-79.