• Yuliia Khoroshun Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Oleksandr Groh Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Maria Horishna Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: pharmaceutical cluster, cross-border pharmaceutical cluster, pharmaceutical market, investments


In the article the basic theoretical and practical aspects of forming of cluster model of the organization of economic activity are considered as one of perspective directions of increase of competitiveness of enterprises on the national and global pharmaceutical market. Cross-border cluster associations are considered as the most common form of interstate cooperation in Europe, the main purpose of which is to provide competitive advantages to cross-border regions, to accelerate the economic growth of participating countries through joint efforts. The article substantiates the need to create cluster associations in the economy to increase the investment attractiveness of the pharmaceutical industry and the country as a whole and the transfer of innovative technologies. The main basic elements of the development potential of the country's pharmaceutical industry have been determined, among which the following are highlighted: the presence of enterprises that are potential participants of the cluster; significant experience of enterprises and organizations in the field of development of pharmaceutical preparations; the availability of scientific schools and areas, qualified personnel who are able to perceive new knowledge and modern technologies; availability of developed innovation infrastructure, functioning of industrial parks, technology parks, innovative business incubators, innovation centers. One of the main problems of the development of pharmaceutical cluster associations was identified as the insufficiency of targeted projects of state support for pharmaceutical production by regional state authorities. The foreign experience of creating and developing a cluster network is considered. The main ideas of creating a cluster have been defined as the possibility of optimal use of the country's potential in the field of production and introduction into medical practice of innovative medicines and reproduced medicines, stimulation of the development of the pharmaceutical business according to high innovative standards and increasing the activity of the country's business environment.


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How to Cite
Khoroshun, Y., Groh, O., & Horishna, M. (2023). PHARMACEUTICAL CROSS-BORDER CLUSTERS OF UKRAINE: THE NEED FOR CREATION AND ACTIVE ACTIVITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 53-61.