The article examines terrorism and the terrorist threat as factors shaping the security component of global tourism functioning. It analyzes, based on statistical data from the World Tourism Organization, the impact of specific terrorist acts on the tourism industry and their long-term consequences. Measures implemented at the state level to overcome the consequences of terrorist acts, as well as preventive measures, are investigated and systematized. The article substantiates the duration of the negative impact of terrorist acts on the tourism sector of countries at different levels of development. Measures to prevent terrorist acts and minimize their consequences are proposed. Specifically, it is determined that terrorist acts occurring before the middle of the twenty century were primarily aimed at specific governmental figures. Despite their considerable publicity, they had minimal impact on society as they did not significantly influence tourism, which had not yet attained mass participation during that time. With the escalation of international tourism development after the Second World War, the level of influence of terrorist threats underwent a transformation. In the latter half of the 20th century, numerous terrorist organizations emerged, whose actions were directed not only against specific officials, military personnel, or politicians but also against civilians, including tourists. Furthermore, an analysis was conducted on the impact of international rankings, including the Global Terrorism Index and information from The Global Terrorism Database, on how potential tourists perceive the security of destinations. It is noted that the level of terrorist threat is just one factor shaping the security image of a tourist destination. However, disregarding this indicator should be avoided as it can significantly affect the attractiveness of a country for tourism. Measures have been proposed for the prevention of terrorist acts and the minimization of their consequences.
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