Keywords: organic production, poultry farming, egg production, farms, efficiency, profitability, business processes


The article examines the peculiarities and organizational and technological aspects of the production of organic edible eggs in Ukraine. The relevance of the research topic is due to the fact that at the current stage there is a reorientation of agrarian business in the direction of its environmentalization, improvement of the quality of products to ensure healthy nutrition of the population. Therefore, the organizational and economic substantiation of the possibilities of conducting a successful organic business in egg poultry farming has scientific, theoretical and practical significance. The research used monographic, economic and statistical methods, and the modeling method. Based on the analysis of the market of organic products, it was established that the volume of export of organic products has a stable positive dynamic, which indicates the growth of demand in the foreign market. The domestic market of organic products in general and edible eggs, in particular, is underdeveloped. The reasons are the high price, the low level of income of the population and the undeveloped culture of consumption of organic products and healthy food. On this basis, there is a need to increase the production of organic food eggs, to study the peculiarities of the technology of keeping and conducting organic business, to expand sales channels and the sales system for this type of products from domestic producers. Calculations of the practical implementation of the idea of organic poultry farming for commodity producers have been carried out. It is substantiated that with the observance of technology it is possible to successfully implement business projects, achieve high performance results and increase the attractiveness of organic production for the category of small and medium producers. On the basis of attracting state support, domestic manufacturers can start a new type of business, ensure stable volumes of exports and income, and ensure the availability of products for the consumer. The practical significance of the research results is that during the period of economic reconstruction, various forms of agrarian formations require the implementation of new projects that ensure stable development and diversify the market of healthy food products.


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How to Cite
Avercheva, N., & Karpenko, O. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIC SECTOR IN EGG POULTRY FARMING. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 17-28.