Keywords: foreign direct investment, material basis of innovations, transnational corporations, globalization processes, international production, cross-border movement of capital


The article is devoted to the study of trends and dynamics of movement in the global economy of direct foreign investments, which are the material basis of innovation processes. As a result of the conducted research, a set of main trends that, in post-crisis conditions, form a new quality of cross-border direct foreign investments at the global level have been identified and systematized. These trends have changed the nature and direction of the global investment movement as a whole, including debt and venture capital markets, which were catalyzed by the financial and economic consequences of the crisis. Currently, it is still difficult to reliably predict the capabilities of a new generation of corporations, including the countries of the European Union and the United States, and their ability to effectively manage their foreign assets in the post-crisis period from the point of view of their progressive development in the turbulent conditions of the current stage of globalization. The crisis has revealed disproportions in the global movement of investments, and it is not yet clear whether developing countries will be able to balance this system before the onset of the next wave of challenges and threats of a global scale and whether they will have new drivers of growth. However, even if the rate of involvement of countries in the cross-border movement of capital slows down, the global and transnational production networks that have arisen as a result of their activities are unlikely to disappear. This means that the positive effects of cross-border activity preserve the opportunity for the private sector of these countries to enter new markets, gain access to technology and resources, and diversify risks, reducing costs and increasing competitiveness. As a result, a new functional model of participation for transitional economies in the field of capital movement is created, which reflects global shifts in the world economy in general, and even the transformation of the political and economic distribution of forces of different groups of countries and the formation of multipolarity of growth centers.


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How to Cite
Herasymenko, T. (2023). INNOVATIVE DYNAMICS OF DIRECT FOREIGN INVESTMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (18), 9-16.