Keywords: green growth, financial mechanisms, post-war reconstruction, European integration, environmental management


The analysis revealed that the damage caused to the economy of Ukraine as a result of the full-scale invasion of russia is significant and the tentative forecast for its recovery is estimated at 2030. Despite the obvious environmental damage from war, its real assessment is a difficult task, because pollution caused by military activities goes unreported because monitoring systems have been disrupted or destroyed, and such damage continues to accumulate. In this context, the authors vision of the definition of "ecological and economic damage from war" is proposed as a set of negative consequences that combine environmental damage and their impact on economic growth as a result of military actions, and include environmental pollution, loss of biodiversity, destruction of natural resources and infrastructure, leading to increased economic costs of recovery. Despite the obvious consequences for the natural environment, accurate assessment of environmental damage is difficult due to the variety of factors affecting it. However, scientists, experts and the international community are actively developing various initiatives and methods in order to determine the amount of damage caused by military conflicts to the environment. Understanding the scale and forms of environmental damage is important for developing effective strategies for recovery and sustainable development in the post-war period. Today, the forms and methods of assessing environmental damage from war are: the regulatory legal framework of Ukraine for recording and assessing damage, international initiatives of the World Bank Group, the European Commission and the United Nations, the introduction of an international damage register, as well as independent assessments of analytical centers and funds. Although the results of these assessments vary, they are useful in the development of post-war recovery strategies, as well as allow a better understanding of the impact of military actions on the environment and contribute to the development of appropriate measures to prevent similar disasters in the future.


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How to Cite
Verstiak, A. (2023). FORMS AND METHODS OF ASSESSING ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE FROM WAR. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 160-166.