Keywords: grants, cascade grants, business grants, international technical assistance, business support, European Union grants, European Commission grants


The article analyzes the mechanism of cascade financing of European Commission programs, namely: Horizon Europe Program, Creative Europe Program, Erasmus+ Program, Digital Europe Program, EU4Health Program, Program for the Environment and Climate Action, Single Market Program. On the basis of the given characteristics, a definition is proposed: a cascade grant is a non-direct financial contribution of the grantor to support third parties (projects or organizations), which is provided free of charge, irrevocably and irrevocably on a competitive basis within projects already financed to achieve the common goal of the main recipient and subgrantor As part of the study, a SWOT analysis was carried out, which demonstrated the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats associated with the use of cascade grants as a mechanism for financing small and medium-sized business development projects in Ukraine. The article provides potential advantages and opportunities of the mechanism of cascade financing for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses of Ukraine, as well as their grouping, namely: the first group of advantages concerns the process of participation in grant competitions of cascade financing, which is significantly simplified compared to the process of applying for large competitions programs of the European Commission; the second group of advantages concerns the possibility of financing Ukrainian startups, the opening of new lines of business with the involvement of significant resources for these processes (up to 200,000 euros); the third group of advantages concerns the access of Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises to the European innovation ecosystem with the opportunity to test, implement, evaluate pilot projects in Ukraine. In addition, the article demonstrates the shortcomings, weaknesses and threats for representatives of potential grant recipients in the process of using cascade grants to finance Ukrainian business. The article demonstrates a strategy for strengthening weaknesses, which consists of a number of proposed tactics. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities of overcoming shortcomings and their generalization is carried out. It is concluded that the mechanism of cascading financing of European Commission programs is effective and efficient for the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Kobelya-Zvir, M., & Zvir, Y. (2023). CASCADE GRANTS FOR BUSINESS PROGRAM OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 101-108.