The article examines national economic interests in the system of prospects for the cluster development of the regions of Ukraine and the conditions of the information economy. The principle advantages in the system of measures of state and market regulatory influence on the processes of cluster formation in the perspective of a perspective vision of economic and social progress are outlined, among which are indicated: the success of cluster projects; unique opportunities to accelerate the commercialization of ideas, the spread of science-oriented technology transfers; the presence of new models of cross-cultural relations in production and the service sector; spread of management technologies of greening and information transparency of decision-making, assessment and prediction of the consequences of economic activity; target harmonization and successful interaction of cluster project participants. A generalized description of such problems of the cluster development of Ukraine's regions is given as: the formal approach of the power management of Ukraine to the role and place of the EU in the formation of the modern model of the national economy; lack of clearly regulated measures of a legal nature for the institutionalization of clusters, cluster relations, process and procedures of interaction with the authorities; the uncertainty of the independence of the cluster policy as a tool of influence on the business environment of the national economy. It is noted that information progress forms the prerequisites for the development and implementation of innovation cluster policy, which are associated with the rapid advancement of standards of the information society, information economy, state and industry standards of digitalization, comprehensiveness of the information market. Attention is focused on the lack of principles in the political and economic space that ensure the realization of the national economic interests of the cluster development of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of the information economy, namely: the balance of economic and social interests; clear subordination of regional and business interests to national interests, and economic to social interests; harmonious resolution of conflicts between subjects of cluster development; strategizing the development of the national economy on the basis of supporting the process of cluster formation in the conditions of the latest informatization opportunities; balancing relations between basic groups of business and population. It is proven that the cluster model of the economy forms a unique resource for the synergistic construction of harmonious relations, the balance of economic and social interests, the involvement of the innovative and informational potential of the country in the paradigm of "government-business-population-foreign investor" relations.
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