The article is devoted to the issue of strengthening Ukraine's food security as a basis for people-oriented development of the economy and entrepreneurship. It has been established that the threat of starvation for millions of people has become an objective reality today. The damages caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation to the agricultural sector of Ukraine and their impact on food security in the world are determined. The state of food security of Ukraine was analyzed based on the assessment of its level according to the indicators of the Global Food Security Index. The countries with the highest results in the rating and the position of Ukraine among the countries of the world in terms of food security components are highlighted. It is argued that an important component of the development of the domestic economy during the war and post-war period is the restoration of the agricultural sector. Strengthening food security is an important component of the humanistic development of the economy, as emphasis is placed on improving people's quality of life, ensuring their basic needs, preventing hunger, malnutrition and poverty. Processes of strengthening food security and restoration of the agricultural sector as a humanizing direction of economic development should be carried out in such forms as: 1) support of social stability; 2) stimulation of economic development; 3) health and education; 4) development of innovation in the agricultural sector; 5) greening of agriculture; 6) general international responsibility. Humanizing methods of strengthening food security are: formation of a monitoring system of the state of food security in order to detect and prevent food threats in advance; development of an action plan for providing the population with food in emergency situations; implementation of measures for the development of sustainable agribusiness; control of food quality and safety. The restoration of the domestic agricultural sector will provide an opportunity to strengthen food security in Ukraine and the world, which will become the basis for achieving the human-oriented Sustainable Development Goals.
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