Keywords: Japan's gas market, Japan's fuel problem, Japan's LNG import structure, production and consumption of natural gas, Japan's LNG terminals


The article examines the features of the development of the modern gas market in Japan, which is the purpose of the article. It is emphasized that Japan is not rich in natural resources, Japan is the world leader in the import of liquefied natural gas and has the largest regasification capacity in the world. The article uses general scientific research methods, in particular analysis and synthesis, historical, graphic. Also, a forecast was made for natural gas production in Japan until 2025 using a regression research method. It is noted that the first volumes of imported supplies of liquefied natural gas to Japan date back to 1959, following the conclusion of a joint agreement between Tokyo Gas and Tokyo Electric Power Company with the American companies Phillips Petroleum and Marathon Oil. The analyzed structure of importers of liquefied natural gas to Japan from the beginning of the XXI century to 2022 inclusive. The leading exporters of LNG to Japan are: Indonesia, UAE, Brunei, Australia, Malaysia, etc. The dynamics of own production of natural gas in Japan during 2013-2022 are given and a conclusion is made regarding the steady trend to decrease its volumes. The main consumer of natural gas in the country is the energy sector. The significant impact on the increase in natural gas demand of the 2011 earthquake and the resulting Fukushima accident and the forced shutdown of all nuclear reactors in Japan is analyzed. It is noted that the basis of Japan's gas security policy is to diversify its long-term supply contracts and ensure sufficient flexibility in these contracts to increase imports during emergencies. It is noted that Japan has the largest regasification capacity in the world. Regional features of the location of Japan's gas networks are highlighted - high fragmentation, which is associated with their development around certain areas, including mountainous ones. According to the data of 2022, they amount to 227.7 million tons per year, more than twice the volume of South Korea, which occupies the 2nd place in the ranking. The largest of the 33 regasification LNG terminals in Japan were analyzed: Sodegaura, Futtsu LNG, Chita LNG, Senboku, Higashi-Ohgishima. The provisions of the law "On Gas Business" from 1954 regarding situations related to the consequences of earthquakes are analyzed.


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Outline of Chita LNG Terminal (2023). Available at: https://www.jera.co.jp/system/files/private/Attachment%EF%BC%9AOutline%20of%20Chita%20LNG%20Terminal.pdf (accessed September 10, 2023).

Futtsu - LNG regas terminal (2023). Available at: https://www.woodmac.com/reports/lng-futtsu-lng-regas-terminal-9025138/ (accessed September 10, 2023).

LNG receving terminal information (2023). Available at: https://www.daigasgps.co.jp/en/service/gasproduction/plant/ (accessed September 10, 2023).

Higashi-Ohgishima - LNG regas terminal (2023). Available at: https://www.woodmac.com/reports/lng-higashi-ohgishima-lng-regas-terminal-9025436/ (accessed September 10, 2023).

Woodside to sell 10% scarborough interest to LNG Japan (2023). Available at: https://www.woodside.com/docs/default-source/asx-announcements/2023-asx/woodside-to-sell-10-scarborough-interest-to-lng-japan.pdf?sfvrsn=caa9b47f_3 (accessed September 10, 2023).

Japan's Mitsui, Itochu and JERA to agree on long-term Oman LNG contracts – source (2022). Available at: https://www.reuters.com/markets/japans-mitsui-itochu-jera-sign-new-long-term-contracts-buy-lng-oman-nhk-2022-12-26/ (accessed September 10, 2023).

INPEX Enters LNG Sales and Purchase Agreement with Venture Global LNG (2023). Available at: https://www.inpex.co.jp/english/news/assets/pdf/20221227.pdf (accessed September 10, 2023).

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How to Cite
Muzychenko, M., & Khanova, O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MODERN JAPAN GAS MARKET. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (17), 9-18. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.17.1