In the article, methods and models for increasing the profitability of production of poultry products such as poultry meat and chicken eggs are considered. Profitability belongs to the most important economic categories, which to some extent characterize in general the economic efficiency of the enterprise on the basis of economic calculation. Domestic poultry farming has become one of the most economically attractive and competitive types of agribusiness. This sector also has significant export potential and prospects for its development, which is one of the strategic goals of increasing the efficiency of development of the agro-industrial complex. Thus, the progress of the poultry industry is determined by the use of intensive factors, which in the first place are the achievements of modern genetics, breeding, biotechnology. Various methods for describing and forecasting breeding features using mathematical models were used for comparative estimation of productivity of chickens of different crosses. Processing of the received data was carried out using methods of biological statistics. The level of profitability of poultry production in recent years is considered. A comparative estimation of different models of growth of young birds of egg and meat types is carried out. We have studied the feasibility of using new growth intensity parameters in the model by T. Bridges to detect genotype differences between crosses and predict live weight, based on the rates obtained in early ontogenesis. The comparative estimation of models of the egg-laying capacity of chickens has revealed that modified models of T. Bridges and EXPLIN are more suitable for their description and forecasting. Data analysis has shown the effectiveness of the evaluation and selection of chickens by components of complex polygenic features, in particular, the norms of the kinetic and exponential velocity of live weight growth and total egg-laying capacity. These indicators are highly correlated with the data of productive features. After studying the relation of model parameters and the level of the main economically useful signs of chickens, the feasibility of using new growth intensity criteria for the selection of high-efficiency genotypes at an early age has been found.
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