The article deals with the problems of the competitiveness of vegetable products, the functioning of the modern vegetable market and the assessment of the status and tendencies of development of the vegetable industry, as the main supplier of this market. The main attention is paid to the argumentation of the relevance of the research of the modern market of fresh vegetables in Ukraine, as a developing one, and closely connected with the world food market and the state of the vegetable industry. It is emphasized that the vegetable market is characterized by complexity and segmentation due to the large variety of vegetables, which differ in terms and features of cultivation, territorial location of production, methods of use and storage. The state of vegetable production for 18 years in agricultural enterprises and households has been analyzed. It is established that in recent years the area of vegetable production has stabilized, the production of vegetable products exceeds 9 million tons; vegetable yields have almost doubled, including in agricultural enterprises 5 times. he peculiarities of formation of demand for vegetable products on the national market are considered; factors influencing changes in demand; trends in the formation and dynamics of prices for vegetables; factors of their changes in the current period. It is established that significant differences in prices for vegetables depend on the channels of sale, the opacity of their activity, seasonal filling of the market with vegetable products. Considerable attention is given to increasing the competitiveness of fruit and vegetable products by leading producers of fruit and vegetable products through the introduction of modern technologies and innovative practices of storage of vegetables, preparation of products for sale, introduction of certification and branding, the use of various types of packaging and special packaging. The peculiarities of formation of demand for vegetable products on the national market are considered; factors influencing changes in demand; trends in the formation and dynamics of prices for vegetables; factors of their changes in the current period. It is established that significant differences in prices for vegetables depend on the channels of sale, the opacity of their activity, seasonal filling of the market with vegetable products.
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