• Iryna Debela Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson / Kropyvnytskyi)
Keywords: system state, dynamics, recurrent management, strategic controlling, optimization, criterion


Recurrent control is a process of using recurrent models to forecast and analyze the behavior of a system in dynamics and make control decisions based on these predictions. It relies on maintaining connections between periods, which are time intervals of control that consider information about the previous states of the system. The specificity of strategic control models lies in step-by-step optimization. The steps are partial intervals of the predicted decision-making period. In other words, the recurrent control algorithm is, by its nature, optimal, in that the optimal decision of the previous control period is taken as input data for the next period. Strategic control over the predicted period is obtained as a result of the final stage of modeling. The goal is to study the algorithm of strategic control as a problem of sequential decision-making. The modeled object is presented as a complex system, each state of which is a realization of a random variable. The states of the system are considered as separate realizations of stochastic estimates of situational decisions. The initial probability distribution is not the object of optimization modeling. The probability distribution function of alternatives for possible states is modeled. For each state of the system at the beginning of the modeling period, a set of alternatives is determined, which formally is a vector of system parameters, the components of which are determined by both the internal nature of the control object and the external environment. Each alternative can be described by a quantitative value, the price of the alternative. The criterion of the expected value can be defined as the extreme value of the utility function. The optimal control strategy is considered as the realization of alternatives in the set of system states with predicted dynamics. The estimation of the system state components, the specification of the criterion function, and the quantitative estimation of alternatives are the result of the previous analysis of the management system, its economic indicators, and statistical characteristics. The recurrent control algorithm can be applied in the system of strategic control over the behavior of the control object, which makes it a valuable tool in decision-making.


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How to Cite
Debela, I. (2023). RECURRENT ALGORITHM OF STRATEGIC CONTROLLING. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 276-280.