Use of production functions for economic analysis of activities of the enterprise with a fixed amount of land. In modern conditions, the requirements for the functioning of an agrarian enterprise do not correspond to the possibilities of traditional management. The theme of the work, focused on the creation of information methods and models, implemented in agricultural enterprises, allows solving the problems of choosing management decisions in individual areas, as well as in the economy as a whole, on the basis of comparative analysis of production functions. The task is especially relevant in a market economy and an attempt to solve this problem in a competitive environment, of course, can be used by the head of the economy. In a difficult market economy, one of the main directions is to increase the efficiency of the operation of agrarian enterprises, implemented through the construction of automated control systems and the use of modern information technology. The solution to the issue of optimal management of the economy in these conditions leads to the solution of the issue of management in the form of distribution of resources between sectors of the economy. Finding optimal managements that determine the greatest efficiency involves the construction of models of objects of management, as well as solving the multi-year problem of finding optimal managements under a given functionality of the efficiency. The subject of the paper is based on the construction of models of objects that allow automating the management of agrarian enterprises and producing managerial decisions at every stage. The article outlines the necessity of using the production function as the main characteristic of the operating results of the economies. Based on the collected materials and their analysis according to the activities of agrarian enterprises, types of production functions in the fields of plant growing and animal breeding are determined, as well as the methodology for finding production functions is proposed. Production functions are constructed and analysed, which are derived as a result of sample surveys where the size of the enterprise is fixed, and characterize the activities of enterprises with a fixed amount of land, due to which one can determine the enterprise performance. It is shown that the constructed models and the performed analysis allowed identifying the closure of the model, which in turn requires considering consumer behaviour tasks in different conditions.
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