The article is devoted to the analysis of migration processes in Ukraine. The war is the main cause of the negative impact, because due to it, Ukraine lost a significant part of its human capital - more than a third of the population was forced to move to other countries. Also, due to hostilities, about a third of enterprises completely or almost completely stopped production, and another 50% reduced their capacities. Therefore, the business was forced to reduce the number of employees, and to reduce the wages of the remaining workers. It became clear that Ukraine is now faced with many problems and challenges, including the restoration of destroyed infrastructure, economy, and social assistance to people. All this will require great efforts and resources, including human resources. But unfortunately, due to Russian aggression, the majority of the population resorted to forced migration, especially international migration. So, today, the issue of returning people is becoming acute, but this is possible only under the condition of safety and the availability of jobs. Digitization can solve the issue of providing jobs for the country's population. Because the scale and pace of digital transformations in today's circumstances can become the main available means of the country's economic development. With a systemic state approach, digital technologies will significantly stimulate the development of an open information society as one of the essential factors in the development of democracy in the country, increasing productivity, economic growth, as well as improving the quality of life of Ukrainian citizens. Since digitization is a recognized mechanism of economic development, the path to a digital economy will be through the domestic market for the production, use and consumption of information, communication and digital technologies. Therefore, during the period of martial law, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine and the Committee on Digital Transformation of the Main Council of Ukraine, together with other executive authorities and local self-government bodies, deepen the use of digital technologies to restore the country and implement innovative digital economy projects. A lot of work is being done to join Ukraine to the new EU strategic funding program "Digital Europe" and to implement modern technological solutions in the economy and society: such initiatives as the IT army, crypto fund, digital blockade, Starlink.
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Understanding Migration and Displacement Physiopedia. Original Editor - Naomi O'Reilly. Available at: http://surl.li/hoxno
UNHCR. Global Trends (2021). Available at: https://www.unhcr.org/globaltrends.