The article is devoted to the problems of labor market imbalance. It is substantiated that the labor market is an important element of the economic system that functions under the influence of various factors. Globalization, demographic changes, scientific and technological progress, new methods of production and the need to ensure stable economic development cause changes in the nature of work. New technologies are opening the way to create new jobs and increase labor productivity, companies are developing thanks to digital transformation and improved human resource management. These changes have an impact on the labor market and cause an imbalance, which exacerbates the problems of economic development and the use of labor potential. The analysis of trends in the labor market of Ukraine in the pre-war years and during the war and the study of structural changes in the economy and the depth of professional inconsistencies made it possible to argue the impact of the current economic and political situation on the aggravation of problems of imbalance, to identify their consequences. In the process of research, the methods of generalizations, synthesis and systemic approach were used to identify the factors causing deepening of asymmetries in the labor market, methods of statistical analysis and comparisons to characterize the degree of violation of disproportions. Directions, levers and basic principles of functioning of the mechanism of state regulation of the labor market are proposed to optimize the structural situation in the national labor market and eliminate the growing imbalance of supply and demand by sectoral, territorial and professional characteristics. The need to implement state policy measures during the war and post-war recovery to overcome professional and qualification disparities in the labor market and maximize the involvement of the workforce in the field of employment is argued. An important task is to ensure the mobility of the labor force, which determines the level of adaptability to changes in working conditions and contributes to ensuring the labor needs of enterprises. Implementation of the outlined tasks lies largely in the sphere of efficiency and effectiveness of social elevators.
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