The purpose of the paper is to study the impact of military operations on the tourism activities; to identify priorities for improving tourism management at the regional level under martial law; to clarify the strategic guidelines for the development of tourism in the Kharkiv region in the post-war period. The relevance of the study stems from the need to develop effective proposals for improving the efficiency of tourism management at the regional level in the post-war period. In order to formulate practical recommendations for a strategic vision for the restoration of the tourism industry and improvement of management mechanisms, taking into account the wartime challenges, a comprehensive study of the problems faced by the tourism sector in the Kharkiv region during the war is necessary. Theoretical and applied analysis of the current state of the tourism industry in Ukraine was carried out using logical, analytical, and system-structural research methods. The study is based on data from a sociological survey conducted as part of the Estonian-Ukrainian research project "Development of Ukrainian frontline communities and the tourism business under war conditions and strategies for the future". The results of the study helped to identify ways of post-war reconstruction of the tourism industry. First and foremost, a safety strategy for the resumption of tourism travel should be introduced, and work should be carried out with tourism businesses regarding safe visits to sites in the post-war period. In order to preserve the cultural potential, historical values, formation of new heritage and development of priority types of tourism, it is necessary to elaborate a Tourism Development Programme for Kharkiv Region with specifically defined tasks. Promising directions are: introduction of memory routes; establishment of cooperation with public organizations, charitable foundations and potential investors on implementation of joint initiatives and grant projects on tourism restoration; enhancement of community participation in international tourism projects; strengthening of tourist information exchange with Ukrainian regions and other countries. Scientific novelty: the study of the relationship between wartime tourism management and the post-war reconstruction strategy of the industry has been further developed. Priority directions and mechanisms of tourism management at the regional level in the postwar period were clarified. Practical significance: the results of the study can be used in the formation of a strategy for tourism development and the design of regional target programmes in the post-war period.
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