It is necessary to solve the tasks of sustainable development that are vital for Ukraine and ensure the strategic competitiveness of the domestic agricultural sector today. This requires developing non-traditional approaches to finding mechanisms and sources of investment in the industry and rural areas. The numerous problematic aspects faced by the agricultural sector in recent years are deepened and exacerbated by a military conflict. Under such realities, parts of substantiation of sources of investment support become a dominant element of the management mechanism. The article is devoted to studying the structure of investment sources of business entities in the agricultural sector of Ukraine and searching for promising directions for their improvement. Own capital remains the primary source of financing investments in agrarian formations. This significantly narrows the scale of the investment potential of the agricultural sector, the expansion of which should take place in the direction of inclusive transformations of the industry and rural areas. The landscape of the framework national policy of inclusive investment of agribusiness and rural areas is substantiated in the article. The fundamental principles of inclusive investment in agribusiness structures are proposed here. Separate modern realities of the foreign practice of inclusive investment are investigated based on which the directions of diversification of the sources of investment support for the activity of Ukrainian agricultural companies are substantiated. The balance of interests of all participants in the agro-social process, risk management tools of inclusive agro-investment, principles of mixed financing, and digitalization processes are the basis of the author's systematic approach. Mixed financing and social responsibility of agricultural businesses should become the economic basis for differentiating sources of inclusive investment of agricultural business entities. Research results can be used by agricultural business structures committed to sustainable development priorities in their corporate management culture.
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