Keywords: economics, accounting, information, automation, information technologies, information systems, efficiency, management


The article defines the necessity of introduction of information technologies and systems in the field of management, the issues of automation of accounting are considered, that increases the efficiency and improves the quality of accounting at the enterprise. The authors highlight the problems of completeness and reliability of accounting, the information provision for a system of management in organizations, that should be sufficient for solution of many problems. The authors consider the efficient and methodologically correct implementation of information system that improves the competitiveness of enterprise. Information systems help solve problems, such as speeding up the processing of primary document data; automation of calculations, automation of formation of the general ledger, balance sheet and other forms of reporting, etc. Accounting systems are software systems designed to automate the solution of both individual accounting problems and complex tasks for planning, monitoring, analysis, management and management decisions. The information systems are a set of technical, software and organizational care, as well as personnel who are directly on the eve of a timely information. Automated accounting is a basic requirement for managing the activities of business entities aimed at efficiency. In today's environment, managers are forced to make managerial decisions in a highly uncertain environment, and they must constantly monitor all aspects of financial and economic activity. In my opinion, information that is properly and timely processed and systematic is the key to effective enterprise management. Effective management of economic systems requires reliable information on the dynamics of indicators, which are determined by automated information. A set of software, organization, information and technical needs, a single system for sampling, testing, processing and a specific information system, intended for singing functions, an information system. Win is guilty of securing the unified account before managing the resources of the organization and their customers, who will save the entire process of management: planning, operational management, region and analysis.


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How to Cite
Larchenko, O. (2020). EFFICIENT IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 278-284. Retrieved from http://tnv-econom.ksauniv.ks.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/38