• Larysa Galat Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University (Kherson / Kropyvnytskyi)
Keywords: logistic management, enterprise performance, efficiency, logistic chain, implementation, challenges, recommendations, strategic planning, coordination, control, optimization, information systems, personnel training, collaboration, competitive advantages, continuous improvement, adaptability, changes, barriers, cultural changes, information technologies, complexities, financial constraints


This article explores the role of logistic management as a critical tool for enhancing the efficiency and overall performance of enterprises. Logistic management plays a vital role in supporting optimal functioning of the logistic chain and achieving successful outcomes. The key thematic blocks of the article include the definition of logistic management and its significance in entrepreneurial activities, essential aspects of logistic management, challenges and barriers in implementing logistic management, and recommendations for successful implementation. It is evident that logistic management is a complex and multifaceted process that requires a systematic approach and comprehensive examination. This process encompasses planning, coordination, control, and optimization of all stages within the logistic chain. Consequently, successful implementation of logistic management necessitates the involvement of top-level management, assessment of the current state, implementation of modern information systems, personnel training and development, and collaboration with partners. However, our analysis also reveals the challenges and obstacles that enterprises may encounter during the implementation of logistic management. These challenges encompass cultural changes, information technologies, complexities within the logistic chain, financial constraints, and changes in the external environment. To ensure successful implementation of logistic management and to capitalize on its potential for attaining competitive advantages and enhancing outcomes, continuous improvement, adaptability to changes and challenges, as well as strategic planning and implementation of appropriate solutions are required. The general knowledge about logistic management and its role in entrepreneurial activities, along with the identified aspects, challenges, and recommendations presented in this article, can be valuable for practicing managers, researchers, and the academic community focused on the development of effective logistic management.


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How to Cite
Galat, L. (2023). LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL FOR ENSURING EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE PERFORMANCE. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 108-113. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.16.14