Keywords: anti-crisis management, management strategies, oil refining enterprise, state regulation, economic uncertainty


This study focuses on the theoretical review of strategies for anti-crisis management in oil refining enterprises under conditions of uncertainty. The energy strategy's priority direction involves creating appropriate legal, economic, financial, technological, social, and informational conditions to address key tasks such as enhancing the efficient use of energy resources in the national economy, implementing active energy conservation policies, increasing market relationships, and diversifying income sources in the energy sector. The research methodology employed in this article includes theoretical analysis through the reinterpretation of recent publications and studies, structural analysis to identify the stages of anti-crisis management, and synthesis to formulate the anti-crisis management strategy for an oil refining enterprise. The results highlight the target aspects of the strategy for anti-crisis management in oil refining enterprises operating in uncertain conditions. These aspects encompass the creation of a systemic industry policy and fiscal and regulatory conditions that promote the recovery and enhance the efficiency of enterprises. Other objectives include increasing the share of domestic petroleum products in the Ukrainian market, stabilizing the market's overall condition, reducing dependence on imported petroleum product supplies, increasing long-term deductions to various levels of budgets through the creation of greater added value, generating new employment opportunities, expanding markets for related industries, as well as increasing the utilization of Ukraine's oil transportation system and railway transportation volumes. However, implementing such a strategy for anti-crisis management in oil refining companies amidst uncertainty requires the government to create conditions that significantly increase investments in the gas and oil refining industry. This can be achieved through attracting financial resources from industry enterprises, including through the optimization of tax regimes, foreign investors, and international financial institutions. The practical value of this study lies in the application of the proposed theoretical and applied approaches, which can enhance the effectiveness of the anti-crisis management strategy in oil refining enterprises operating in uncertain conditions.


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How to Cite
Habrylevych, O., & Nikytenko, D. (2023). ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF AN OIL REFINING ENTERPRISE IN CONDITIONS OF UNCERTAINTY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (16), 70-75.