The global economic environment today represents a complex conglomerate of relations of both traditional and fundamentally new types, when typical ideas about the transparency and controllability of many connections are being destroyed, when states have finally lost the monopoly right to manage many economic processes, and transnational entities are their alternative. That is why the article emphasizes the dominance of TNCs and new trends in their activities, in particular digitalization and intellectualization of business. The newest forms of such companies, their potentially possible configurations in the management paradigm, the motivational background and consequences of activity for overall global stability are shown. It is noted that the key trend of the post-pandemic stage of global development is the growth of the number of digital TNCs, the improvement of their competitive status and the potential of operating in new markets and service segments. In particular, internet platforms, digital solutions, e-commerce and digital content stand out. At the same time, the characteristics and specified features and specifics of the functioning of such transnational business units, which take over the leadership in traditional trade, intermediary, and financial platforms, are provided. At the same time, it is also shown that companies from developed countries (USA) and new economies (China, Argentina, India, etc.) show special dynamism. At the same time, the existential threat of the unconditional use of artificial intelligence technologies is emphasized both for individual subjects and for the world as a whole. It is suggested to use the advantages of digitalization and intellectualization of business as carefully and dosed as possible, but in conditions of uncontrollability of these processes, this remains only a call and cannot count on implementation. That is why a conclusion is made about a large-scale review of the management potential of states and corporations in order to ensure at least a minimal balance of forces and technological equality. In addition, as noted, over time, in order to minimize potential threats, the question of developing appropriate codes of behavior and a system of global control over the use of the potential of artificial intelligence will arise.
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