The purpose of the study is a theoretical analysis of the experience of countries that have restored their economies after military conflicts, in order to form a model of the post-war recovery of Ukraine's economy. The research uses general scientific methods of theoretical analysis: logic, comparison, generalization and systematization. The European experience of economic restructuring after the Second World War is analyzed. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the European recovery program, which is known as the "Marshall Plan". The peculiarities of the "Marshall Plan", which was used to restore post-war Europe, were clarified. The focus is on the recovery models of Great Britain, France and Germany, which received the most aid under the economic recovery plan and are examples of the most efficient use of funds. The most important success factors of the analyzed countries in their rapid economic success are outlined. Examples of countries that have gone through the path of post-war reconstruction show that there is no single recipe for economic recovery, it is special for each country. Despite certain peculiarities and differences in the development of countries, governments used a number of tools that are common to all successfully restored post-war economies: the use of indicative planning with further liberalization of the economy; creation of a large number of jobs by the state; support of the entrepreneurial sector of the economy; export orientation of the economy; renewal of capital and creation and development of high-tech industries; creation of favorable conditions for domestic investments and significant infusion of external financial resources. But scientists note that the decisive factor in achieving economic success was the efforts of the Europeans themselves, who were able to independently and successfully solve their economic problems. Lasting success was achieved precisely by those countries that had their own national strategies for rebuilding the economy. Summarizing the foreign practice of post-war economic recovery and the steps and models used by countries to recover their economies, it is advisable to borrow the experience of European countries to form a Ukrainian model of post-war recovery, taking into account the circumstances of our country's development.
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