The article examines the peculiarities of displaying operations related to fixed assets in the production process of the enterprise, as well as the main stages of internal control over them, because each object is responsible for a certain link of the enterprise's work, which cannot be excluded from the general process. The specified non-current assets occupy a fairly large share in the currency of the balance sheet of any manufacturing enterprise, and therefore are subject to mandatory accounting of operations related to movement and internal control to ensure their correctness and prevent errors during current accounting and financial reporting. It should be noted that production equipment quite often suffers certain damages, it is periodically necessary to carry out modernization and replacement of certain parts of the object, therefore, great attention should be paid to this area of accounting. It follows from this that in the future it is necessary to carry out a qualitative check of the correctness of the display of operations of current and capital repairs of fixed assets. Another type of transaction in which mistakes are often found is the correct display of depreciation. It is worth following the correctness of calculations and the selection of the method of calculation of depreciation, as well as the postings used in the process of carrying out operations of this type. Special attention should be paid to revaluation of fixed assets. The result of the revaluation can be an additional assessment or an assessment of a group of objects to which a certain fixed asset belongs. Also, the company can lease fixed assets, or rent them. This will also lead to certain correspondence of accounts in accounting. The last type of operations related to fixed assets is their removal from the enterprise. This can be done by writing off or selling. Each type of operation is covered in detail in the article using the example of fixed assets of a production enterprise. The article also states that a necessary condition for an effective internal audit of fixed assets is the involvement of self-developed working documents, the use of analytical tables and a step-by-step inspection of each object.
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