Keywords: foreign economic activity, Lviv region, export and import of goods, commodity structure, relocation


In the conditions of the modern trend of globalization and internalization, the foreign economic activity of the country in general and the region in particular has a significant impact on development. Foreign economic activity is a form of economic activity related to import-export activity. The article examines the development of import-export activities of business entities in the field of presentation of materials. In order to improve the foreign economic activity of the Lviv region, it is necessary to develop and implement such a policy, which would be aimed at increasing the export of the main types of products, the introduction of innovative developments to improve the quality of Ukrainian products in order to obtain the necessary level of competition of domestic production. It was determined that the main direction of cooperation between the countries is foreign trade relations, which are the main factor in ensuring a certain level of economic development of Ukraine. Indicators of the volume of foreign trade of the Lviv region were analyzed, in particular, the product structure was studied. In the process of researching the import and export activities of enterprises of the Lviv region, it was determined which goods they import and export and in what volumes. This study is devoted to import-export activities of enterprises of the Lviv region. In order to increase the efficiency of foreign economic relations of the Lviv region, it is necessary to improve the export structure by increasing the share of goods with a high degree of processing, reduce dependence on foreign import markets, further diversify foreign economic relations and create competitiveness of high-quality goods, as well as attract funds from the local budget and capital for the implementation of infrastructure projects.The main ways of overcoming the problems of foreign trade in the Lviv region and the prospects for development in the global world trends are revealed. The question of the transfer of enterprises to the Lviv region is open. Attention was focused on the need to create favorable conditions for the effective implementation of international trade in order to use it as a means of economic development and strengthening the economic state of the state.


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How to Cite
Havrylyuk, I., & Bulyk, O. (2023). FEATURES OF THE FOREIGN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF THE LVIV REGION UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE STATE OF MARTIAL. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 252-258. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-0366/2023.15.31