Keywords: region, tourism by types, development, destination, tourist potential, tourist attractiveness of the territory


регіонThe development of tourism in the Khmelnytsky region is strategically necessary and profitable, since there are a large number of natural and recreational, historical and cultural resources and potential destinations that have not received proper marketing support and appropriate branding. In conditions of high competition, the potential of the region is immeasurable, because it has the opportunity to develop in almost all directions of tourism, such as: recreational, educational, gastronomic, ecological, historical and cultural, etc. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyze the tourism resources of the region and their potential, to characterize the current level of development and innovative implementations in the field of tourism, to highlight existing and potential tourist destinations that must be taken into account when developing tours, to identify existing projects for the general development of tourism, to justify and describe measures that are used to increase the level of tourist activity and improve tourism in general, to determine the directions of further development of tourism in the region, to reveal the role of the regional tourism development program as a key factor of the regional tourism policy, to determine the opportunities of the region regarding the prospects of tourism development and to provide proposals for solving problems caused by a difficult situation in the country, including the covid-19 pandemic, military operations since 2014, annexation of territories. In order to create a positive image of Khmelnytskyi as an attractive tourist region, significant efforts are needed, namely: development of the media and social environment, improvement of the information system, deepening of marketing research and surveys, encouragement of investors to invest in the reconstruction and construction of modern hotels, catering establishments and other types and forms of tourist infrastructure. A large increase in foreign and domestic tourists is expected after the end of hostilities, so full efforts should be made to correct all identified deficiencies. Only then Khmelnytskyi, which has great tourist potential, will attract tourists and develop other segments of the tourist market.


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How to Cite
Antonenko, I., & Kurbatskyi, I. (2023). STATE AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM BY TYPE IN THE KHMELNYTSKYI REGION. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 244-251.