• Svitlana Shornikova Ukrainian Research Institute of Special Equipment and Forensic Science of the Security Service of Ukraine
Keywords: personnel assessment, competence, accreditation criteria, certification, certified standard sample


Accreditation of testing laboratories is a way of confirming the competence of laboratories to carry out activities in a certain area with the necessary requirements for the level of quality. The pursuit of accreditation forces us to pay special attention to the role of staff competence in ensuring the quality of the work of the testing laboratories . Regular control of the competence of employees within the laboratory allows you to meet the requirements for testing laboratories accreditation and ensure consumer confidence in the quality of test and measurement results. The technical competence of the testing laboratories is determined by the presence of qualified personnel in it; necessary means of measurement, testing and control; premises with appropriate environmental conditions; documented work processes, regulatory and technical documentation; methods for testing methods and means; testing quality assurance systems, etc. [3]. It is hard not to notice that in this list of requirements for the technical competence of the testing laboratories , the presence of qualified personnel is in the first place. Certification of personnel significantly increases the quality of tests and measurements and contributes to increasing confidence in the obtained results. Periodic determination of the business qualifications of employees and their professional suitability and suitability for positions are closely related to personnel competence. Testing laboratory is obliged to meet the accreditation criteria, one of the requirements of which is the availability of appropriate competence and a system for ensuring it among employees conducting tests. The article examines the assessment of the level of professional competence of the staff, defines directions for professional development and the development of knowledge and skills that must be mastered. It has been asserted that the assessment of personnel compliance as a special object has its own characteristics. The possibility and methods of confirming the competence of the personnel who organize and conduct tests at the testing laboratories during the internal attestation are considered.


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How to Cite
Shornikova, S. (2023). THE ROLE OF STAFF COMPETENCE IN ENSURING THE QUALITY OF WORK OF TECHNICAL TESTING LABORATORIES. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 237-243.