Keywords: personnel, personnel potential, strategic management, labor potential


This article examines the key aspects of the essence of personnel potential and its leading importance in solving economic, organizational, and scientific and technical issues during the implementation of economic activity. The influence of personnel potential on financial stability is analyzed. The concepts of "personnel potential", "long-term personnel potential" and "personnel potential management" are defined. The key elements from which the personnel potential of the organization is formed are considered in detail. Methods for calculating labor potential are provided and perfected. Qualitative assessments of the labor potential have been determined. The methods of assessing labor potential in value categories are given and characterized. Proposals have been made regarding the effective use of personnel potential in order to ensure the effectiveness of functioning and financial stability of the organization. In modern economic realities, one of the main strategies of enterprise development and a condition for achieving competitive advantages and financial stability is professional management of the enterprise's personnel potential. It is thanks to the strong personnel potential that the company is able to fulfill all the tasks, achieve success in current and strategic goals and consolidate its position in the market. The main function of human resources management is the combination of personal skills and abilities of employees with the goals of the enterprise, i.e. building an effective system of cooperation in the workforce. The personnel potential of the enterprise is of leading importance in solving economic, organizational and scientific and technical issues during the implementation of economic activity. The result of the organization's activity is formed not only under the influence of competition, stability of economic potential, but primarily from the professionalism of the personnel. That is why the problems of finding and implementing new ways and methods of employee selection, personnel planning, training and retraining, and career building are of great importance.


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How to Cite
Shapoval, O. (2023). THE ESSENCE OF PERSONNEL POTENTIAL AND ITS ROLE IN ENSURING FINANCIAL STABILITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 231-236.