Logistics is a rapidly developing area. Its development involves the emergence of new conceptual provisions and terms nowadays. Ecological logistics can be attributed to the logistics direction that determines the emergence of new terminology. The article defines the objective necessity of greening the activities of logistics systems. The conceptual and practical aspects of the application of ecological technologies by the structural elements of the logistics system in order to increase the efficiency of functioning in the conditions of the instability of the market environment are studied. The components of the development of logistics systems are identified, ecological technologies are considered depending on the focus on the environment. The impact of logistics on climate change has attracted increasing attention in recent years, in part because increased pollution controls and improved road safety have mitigated other environmental problems, but also because new scientific studies have shown that global warming represents a much larger and a more immediate threat than previously thought. Ecological logistics includes aspects related to the collection and sorting of waste generated in the process of production, consumption, their transportation, disposal and storage. The principles of logistics and ecological flow management are considered. Environmental aspects of logistics activities can be considered in the complete supply chain, as the result is the satisfaction of the consumer's needs in terms of product, price, quality and level of service. Due to competition in the market, the organization of supply chains must be cost-effective and meet consumer requirements. Today, the consumer has a high level of environmental awareness, therefore, to meet his needs, it is necessary not only to produce an ecological product, but also to develop an ecological approach to the issue of delivering this product. The ecological aspect of logistics activity is determined by the growing demand for specialists in the field of environmental protection, informing consumers through ecological labeling of products.
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