Keywords: management process, scientific approaches to management, scientific approaches to management scientific, process, personnel


The article examines theoretical approaches to the formation of the management process of maritime and river industry enterprises. At the same time, despite the diversity of research conducted, there is practical experience in the process of managing maritime and river industry enterprises in such matters as improving the management process of these enterprises, forming an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of maritime and river industry enterprises on the basis of efficiency, their infrastructural support in in terms of effectiveness need further development. The research is systematized taking into account three main directions of management research: scientific, process and personnel. The scientific approach made it possible to identify the principles, functions and management methods of such enterprises. The scientific approach is based on the research of D. Aaker, I. Ansoff, L. Bertalanfi, P. Drucker, G. Gantt, G. Emerson, F. Taylor, V. Tereshchenko, and others. The essence of the approach consists in realizing the leading role of the human factor in production, the worker considers work not only as a source of existence, but also as a source of satisfaction. Thanks to the process approach, bottlenecks in the management process will be identified in order to introduce appropriate ways of improving it through effectiveness and efficiency. The process approach to management was reflected in the works of scientists of the administrative (classical) school of management: A. Fayol, L. Urvik, D. Mooney; M. Weber. Its main essence is that the management of the organization is a continuous process, which consists of the process of performance of management functions, the effectiveness of this performance depends on management principles (fundamentals) and management methods. The personnel approach will provide an opportunity to consider the influence of the human factor on the management process of the mentioned enterprises. Which will be the subject of further scientific research. The personnel approach (school of human relations) to management was introduced in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. It was during this period that conditions began to form, which led to a qualitatively new situation in management. The beginning of the behavioral school of management was a discovery that was made about human behavior in a production environment. A group of researchers led by E. Mayo discovered the dependence of labor productivity on the moral and psychological state of the performer. Researchers of the «human relations» school paid the main attention to the informal structure of the organization (informal communications) when building the official organizational structure of the organization. A formal manager should strive to become an informal leader as well, having won the «attachment of people». This is not a simple task, but "social art"


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