The article is devoted to topical issues related to the definition of the terminological content and the construction of the ontology of the general sphere of discourse "personnel resilience" in corporate management. The need to support personnel resilience in corporate management as a condition for preventing professional burnout and depression, violation of personnel motivation and loyalty systems, and other destructive consequences both for the individual and for the company as a whole is substantiated, which becomes especially relevant in the conditions of war and post-war recovery of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to form an ontology of the general field of discourse "personnel resilience" of companies in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. To achieve the goal of the study, the following methods were used: synonymous and contextual analysis, the method of building ontologies. On the basis of synonym analysis, synonyms of the first and second level in the English and Ukrainian versions of the understanding of the concept of "resilience" were identified. The essence of personnel resilience in corporate management is defined as the ability to maintain a stable level of physical and psychological health, stable functioning of personnel in adverse situations, to get out of such situations without persistent violations, successfully adapting to adverse changes. The dual character of personnel resilience in corporate management is revealed, which consists in the fact that the characteristics of resilience are manifested both at the personal level (as a cluster of competencies) and at the corporate level (as a dynamic state of the personnel management system, its stability). The main areas of ensuring personnel resilience in corporate management are defined: resilience as the stability (stability) of personnel; resilience as a set of personality qualities and a cluster of competencies; resilience as a system of corporate values. An ontology of the general discourse "resilience of personnel" in corporate management is formed.
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