Keywords: potential, rural areas, strategy, development, biofuel, bioenergy, waste, biogas, solid biofuel


The article examines approaches to the development of biofuel production in Ukraine. It was determined that the main directions of the development of the bioenergy potential of the Illinets territorial community should be the implementation of energy saving projects and the use of renewable energy sources with the support of state and regional energy saving programs, which will take place, including through the awareness of employees of institutions about the possibility of obtaining additional financing from various sources (including international ). The methodological basis of the research is the basic provisions of economic theory, scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists on this topic, legislative and normative legal acts of Ukraine, as well as financial and statistical reporting of the Illinets City Council. The strategic directions of the reform of the main industrial enterprises of the territorial community focused on the use of bioenergy potential have been determined. Measures to improve the cultivation and processing of corn into biofuel within the community are proposed, which should include: the use of corn husks for the production of pellets and biogas; establishment of a digestate sales system to potential suppliers of raw materials, development of solid household waste processing at the community solid waste landfill. It has been established that the use of the bioenergy potential of Illinetska Territorial is at a low level, but the community leadership pays considerable attention to the processing of solid household waste. Necessary for the further development of the bioenergy potential is the modernization of LLC "Illinetzky Sugar Factory" and the creation of small auxiliary facilities focused on the production of solid biofuel. The practical value of the article is that, as a result of the conducted research, directions for improving the management of bioenergy potential are substantiated, which include: improving the technology of growing agricultural crops; optimization of production at LLC "Illinetsky Sugar Factory"; introduction of a system for stimulating the development of the processing of agricultural products into biofuel.


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How to Cite
Furman, I., Dmytryk, O., & Lysohor, I. (2023). STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BIO-ENERGY POTENTIAL OF THE ILLINETSK TERRITORIAL COMMUNITY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 134-143.