The article presents a new scientific approach for mathematical modeling of compliance of the state innovation policy of Ukraine with international standards for creating a favorable business environment. This approach is based on using the matrix of Ukraine's positioning in terms of the effectiveness and dynamics of the implementation of political initiatives to create a favorable business environment, and comparing domestic and European practices of using the opportunities created for the innovative development of the country. The basis for this approach was a sample of data from 46 EU countries regarding indicators of the level of innovative development of countries (the index of innovative development, consisting of a sub-index of innovative contribution and a sub-index of innovative products) and indicators of the country's government readiness to create a favorable business environment (an integral indicator of the evaluation of business environment created by the state - an environment consisting of a system of indicators: percentage change in the consumer price index, capital investment as a percentage of GDP; Index of regulatory quality; Index of economic freedom; Index of corruption control; Index of political stability; Index of security threats; Index of public services). The result of the construction was the selection of 4 quadrants (quadrant 1 "Leading countries", quadrant 2 "Countries with a sufficient level"; quadrant 3 "Countries with an average level"; quadrant 4 "Outsider countries") and the corresponding segmentation of countries within these quadrants. This approach made it possible to determine the directions of further reforms regarding the implementation in Ukraine of the European government practice of creating a favorable business environment, as well as to outline the prospects for further international cooperation in ensuring innovative development. This work is a significant contribution to the development of a scientific approach for evaluating the effectiveness of state innovation policy and determining strategic directions for its further development.
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