Keywords: rural areas, potential, labor potential, strategy, management, regulation, multifunctionality of agriculture, society, Sustainable Development Goals, innovative development


Socio-economic systems have specific features that affect the implementation of management and regulation functions. Management in socio-economic systems is aimed at preserving a higher order system. Regulation is aimed at ensuring that the necessary parameters that are essential for the functioning of the objects of management are maintained at a certain level. The agro-industrial complex should be viewed as a set of socio-economic systems, it is inherently multifunctional and performs important functions, including food, environmental, economic security and rural development. The concept of multifunctionality of agriculture as a central structural element of the agro-industrial complex reflects the unity of functions of agriculture, namely the interconnection of economic, social and environmental spheres. Agricultural policy is a priority in the socio-economic policy of the state. The main goals of the agricultural sector are sustainable development of rural areas, increase of employment and living standards of the rural population; growth of competitiveness of domestic agricultural products based on financial stability and modernization of agriculture, accelerated development of its priority subsectors; preservation and reproduction of land and other natural resources used in agriculture. Agriculture is a specific sector, which differs significantly from other sectors of the economy. In addition to the production of agricultural products, agricultural enterprises perform environmental protection functions, influence the development of rural areas, ensure the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, etc. The main and unchanging task of agriculture as a socio-economic system is the functioning of society as a higher-order socio-economic system. At the same time, the methods of solving this task are constantly changing, which is related to the development of society as a socio-economic system. In Ukraine, the development of a significant number of socio-economic systems is associated with the agricultural sector. The functioning and development of the agro-industrial complex as a complex socio-economic system is aimed at ensuring the functioning of the national economy as a higher-order socio-economic system and is associated with ensuring the conditions for the functioning of society.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, V., & Kononenko, L. (2023). DEVELOPMENT AND FUNCTIONING OF THE AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OF UKRAINE AS A SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (15), 109-115.