Keywords: security, energy security, features of energy security, risks to energy security, the energy crisis in Ukraine


Energy security is one of the essential foundations for the formation of the national energy security system of Ukraine. At the same time, it should also be noted that each state is characterized by a different range of features, needs and prospects in the energy sector, including the specifics of implementation mechanisms, institutional structure, and ways of guaranteeing and implementing them. This diversity is caused by the need to consider a significant number of mandatory needs of the state and its society. Energy security, in essence, involves protecting the state's interests in terms of constant provision of free access to energy resources on the conditions of stability, reliability, economic efficiency, environmental friendliness, and safety. In its turn, the energy security system summarizes these aspects. It systematizes them regarding their overall practical functioning, the role of their participants and management entities, and practical implementation. Taking into account the fact that today Ukraine and the world are undergoing quite intensive changes in terms of economic, technological, social development, political planes, models of formation, and further existence of energy markets of regional, national, and European importance, energy security requires consideration through the prism of systematicity. Thus, the systemic vision of the Strategy of ensuring the energy security of the state allows studying energy security directly as an object for management. According to the study results, it can be concluded that to prevent possible risks to the SSE (security system energy) resulting from the impact of potential threats, it is necessary to organize and ensure the possibility of timely detection of several potential threats. There is a need for an objective risk assessment to prevent deterioration or, if necessary, to restore the energy security system's proper state and the trajectory to improve its condition. From the point of view of the actors of the energy security system, which is an integral part of national security, it is worth focusing on potential threats in general. At the same time, at the level of state authorities, the national policy in the energy and fuel complex should be formed, and attention should be focused on the systemic components of the SSE while identifying potential risks and threats to the processes taking place in the SSE.


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