The article examines gas oil consumption in the state and scientific approaches to stimulating the development of biodiesel production. The volume of rapeseed production was studied and the inexpediency of exporting this crop and oil products in full was determined. The purpose of the study is to determine the priority directions for stimulating the production of biodiesel as a direction for ensuring the energy security of the state. The relevance of the article lies in the need to research available technologies and the potential for biodiesel production in the short term. In the research process, a set of general scientific and special methods was used: economic analysis – when determining the volumes of rapeseed production and gas oil consumption; analysis and synthesis – when combining the constituent economic phenomena in a single process; graphic – with visual display of individual indicators; deductive – during the theoretical understanding of the problem and clarification of individual concepts; inductive – when collecting, systematizing and processing information. The leading technologies of biodiesel production were studied and their economic feasibility was substantiated. It was established that the organization of biodiesel production on the basis of medium-sized agricultural enterprises will provide an opportunity to: maximally satisfy the needs of this sector of the economy in fuel for machinery; ensure the development of related industries, including animal husbandry. It was determined that, based on today's economic and social realities, the most rational is the creation of small processing enterprises with partial compensation for the cost of appropriate domestically produced equipment for the production of biodiesel. The directions for the development of biodiesel production as a way to ensure food security of Ukraine are defined, which consist in limiting the export of rapeseed, developing a model of public-private partnership in the field of improving the technologies of rapeseed cultivation and its further processing. The practical value of the work consists in substantiating the economic feasibility of the development of biodiesel production as a means of ensuring the energy security of the state and determining measures aimed at activating the creation of small processing enterprises based on agrarian formations.
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