The article is aimed to conduct an analys based on international practices and recommendations of world organizations in the development of control and revision mechanisms of the Ukraine tax system, where the countermeasure plan BEPS is currently the fundamental document. The relevance of this issue is confirmed by the results of analytical reports and the ranking of the index of economic freedom, which includes tax burdens and the functioning of open markets, taking into account tax freedom, where Ukraine ranks last in the European region. In general, today, the world community needs to transform the role of financial secrecy, russian invasion of Ukraine undermined the principles of democracy, capitalism and basic human freedoms. The author claims that one of the prerequisites for the formation of stable tax sovereignty of the country and ensuring international tax competitiveness is the effective functioning of regulatory mechanisms in fiscal policy. Considered and classified the mechanisms for regulation of the taxation system by spheres of influence. Attention is focused on the importance of the interaction of the legislative component of the country in accordance with international standards, where one of the basic tools of cooperation between the state and its tax authorities is the exchange of tax information, the use of such tools as FATCA, Multilateral Instrument, Common Reporting Standards (CRS). In addition, it is stated that the instruments that will allow more effective countering of tax evasion, such as GAAR and other hybrid instruments are played an important role for formation of an independent tax system. It was concluded that the relevance of the issue of tax sovereignty and competitiveness of the state lies at the global level, therefore it is necessary as a system component of the formation of economic freedom to make harmonization of the tax system and the system of sanctions to reduce the outflow of capital from the country. It was noted that the current economic situation and the invasion of Russia led to the strengthening of the institutional dependence of regulatory bodies on political will and desire, which complicates the independent process of economic integration.
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