Keywords: balance sheet, accounting, organization, off-balance sheet accounts, settlement operations, in particular, agreements, international and national standards, contracts, agricultural enterprises


Public interests demanded that the Accounting of property, liabilities, all business transactions, the identification of the results of their conduct, objects of taxation, etc. were carried out according to uniform rules. This makes it possible to ensure comparability and certain unification of all financial relations of enterprises with the state and other entities that have the right to demand information on the activities of agricultural enterprises. Economic activity of any subject of agrarian management is connected with use of money, material and non-material values. The basis of their continuous cycle are economic processes. Through the time difference between the time of delivery and payment of bills in agricultural enterprises there is a current accounts payable for goods, works and services.


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How to Cite
Koval’, S. (2020). ACCOUNTING FOR CALCULATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES THEIR ORGANIZATION AND METHODOLOGY. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (1), 240-245. Retrieved from