Keywords: economic security, accounting and analytical support, management, accounting, analysis, control, risks, threats, accounting policy


The ambiguity of the content of the category "economic security" makes it necessary to establish its origins and the evolution of the definition in the system of categories of economic science. The article is devoted to the addition of theoretical ideas about the category of economic security in terms of its inclusion in the objects of accounting and analytical support of enterprise management. The field of accounting and analytical support of economic security management acquires new features with the strengthening of the digitalization of the economy and the increasing of the negative consequences of global post-pandemic economic crises, risks of macro-, meso- and micro-business environment. The definite sources of economic security as an integral part of the national security of the state are analyzed. The variability of theoretical views on the definition of economic security of modern scientists is characterized. It has been established that the definition of economic security solely from the point of view of protection against threats is somewhat utilitarian and does not reflect the whole set of causal links and components embodied in economic security. The author's vision of the essence of economic security as an economic category is proposed, which, together with the current ones, presupposes the urgency of taking into account the component of accounting and analytical support, which, at the same time, determines the inclusion of economic security in the accounting system. This gives grounds to consider the management of economic security as a holistic system and to form vectors for its strengthening on the basis of quality information support. The proposed logic interpretation of economic security in terms of its inclusion in the objects of accounting, analysis and control makes it possible to supplement the model of expanding the mission and capabilities of the institute of accounting with security functionality, which is the basis for supplementing the subject and object of accounting. A system-organizational model of accounting and analytical management of the economic security of enterprises is proposed.


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How to Cite
Vasylishyn, S., Hnatyshyn, L., & Prokopyshyn, O. (2022). ECONOMIC SECURITY AS A COMPONENT OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT: THEORETICAL ASPECT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (14), 110-120.