The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of financial leasing as a promising direction of financing the renewal of fixed assets. Given the recently limited possibilities of bank lending, financial leasing serves as a worthy alternative and has a number of advantages. An important stage of a qualitative analysis of the functioning of leasing companies in any country is the identification of factors that have a significant impact on the productivity and efficiency of market participants.The article provides the main definitions in accordance with the current legislation and defines the regulator of the leasing services market. It was found that during the last two years there has been a decrease in the demand for leasing services due to the introduction of quarantine restrictions in Ukraine and around the world. It is also characterized by the presence of significant systemic credit risks, which hinder the efficient functioning of the sector and increase the probability of an increase in problem debt, which can cause significant pressure on the capitalization of this sector. The spread of financial leasing in Ukraine is facilitated by the presence of institutions that have a valid license for the right to provide financial leasing services and the desire of business entities to improve their own production through leasing. The main indicators of lessors were analyzed, including the number of leasing companies, the number and volumes of concluded financial leasing contracts separately for each year of the last five years and cumulatively. The main trends and influencing factors have been identified. Leaders among the banking sector in the provision of leasing services are displayed. Examples of the provision of leasing services by companies that are unfamiliar with such types of services as the possibility of getting out of the crisis situation that arose as a result of the war are given. Current state programs aimed at spreading leasing services for Ukrainian enterprises have been analyzed. Conclusions were made about the feasibility of further development of the leasing market as a source of attracting additional financing for enterprises, especially in the post-war period of the need for rapid reconstruction of Ukraine.
Про фінансовий лізинг: Закон України 04.02.2021 № 1201-IX. URL:
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Офіційний сайт ТОВ «ЕСКА Капітал». URL:
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