The article examines the approaches to the territorial disparities’ regulation in the context of the Ukraine’ macro-social system establishing. The purpose of the article is to: generalize the factors of formation and characteristics’ qualitative variability of the socio-economic development’ territorial disparities in Ukraine; identify the problems, substantiate the prospects for balancing the economy and the macro-social system as a whole, taking into account the main criterions for increasing their resilience and competitiveness, which results in improving the life’ level and quality of the population, as well as the competitive properties’ set of the national economy, territorial communities, producers and workers. The macrosocial system embodies the spectrum of socium institutions’ interactions that implement formal (standardized) and informal approaches to reproducing and improving the parameters and results of the economic and non-economic life spheres’ functioning, public goods’ redistribution for the socio-economic dynamics’ needs, which are recognized by the community. The long-term state policy for providing the macro-social system’ sustainable development has to ensure the leveling, mitigating and control over the systemic and territorially localized risks’ range, which is outlined by the main threats to national security (including social solidarity), natural and man-made hazards of industrial and household living activities. The mechanisms’ functioning for increasing the resilience of the economic spheres’ spectrum would enable the basic principles of a complex socio-economic system’ sustainability, its coordinated highly adaptive self-support in the conditions of real and potential emergencies. Balancing and increasing the resilience of the national macro-social system and its economy will be facilitated by the state policy regarding the capitalization of: advantages of the Ukraine’ economic and geographical, as well as geopolitical position; parameters of the workforce’ competitiveness and innovative potential, as well as the public institutions’ spectrum for its reproduction; productive potential of regional specialization sectors (industrial, agro-processing, socio-cultural), including in the formation and activation of cross-border businesses’, logistics’ and transit systems.
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