Keywords: game theory, management decisions, strategies, strategic problems, optimal solutions, players


The article defines the conditions for using game theory as a model and methods of personnel management for making optimal decisions in conflict conditions. The conflict, in our case, meant a situation in which the interests of the parties pursuing different (most often conflicting) goals collide. At the same time, every decision should be made with the aim of achieving success. In order to demonstrate the conflict situation, a formalized simplified model was built. In order to build such a model, the article describes the conflict in the field of personnel management; defined, participants of the parties to the conflict, who are players; possible ways (rules) of actions for them are indicated, which are called player strategies. Also, the article predicts certain outcomes of the game if each player chooses a certain strategy (that is, the winnings or losses of the players are determined). It has been determined that game theory offers a set of tools that help structure our understanding of how competitors interact. If we are able to recognize all the participants in the game, then it becomes possible to identify the decisions that each of the players can make; specify the importance of the effective implementation of each combination of decisions and predict how each of the players will react to the decisions made by other players in the game. This makes it possible to achieve success in understanding the dynamics of development, solving and optimizing problem situations in personnel management. However, the most important thing is that by describing the structure of the game we are creating, we create a foundation that allows us to think about ways to change it and determine the possible consequences of these changes.


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How to Cite
Chernenko, N. (2022). GAME THEORY IN PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. Taurida Scientific Herald. Series: Economics, (14), 58-66.