The article is devoted to the study of the current state and scientific substantiation of recommendations for improving information support for the functioning of small agricultural enterprises in the context of cooperation with regional advisory services in the conditions of digitalization. The research methodology is based on both general scientific and special research methods, namely: logical generalization, systematic, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, questionnaire, classification, grouping, etc. In the course of the study, it was established that the optimization of the functioning of small agricultural enterprises is largely determined by the possibility of obtaining and the quality of advisory services, the organization of which is based on digitalization. It is noted that there is an urgent need for advisory services for small enterprises of the agrarian sector of the economy; in Ukraine, advisory services are provided by advisory services, whose personnel consists of highly qualified employees of various fields. It has been proven that the effective work of advisory services, which is aimed at ensuring the development of small agricultural enterprises, is possible with the use of highly qualified personnel of the advisory service, scientists and the advantages of digitalization. It is noted that digitalization of the economy necessitates the transformation of the consulting institute. One of the ways to adapt the counseling service to the requirements of the digital society is to create a digital platform for electronic counseling, the use of which is expedient to combine with the potential of highly qualified counselors. It is expedient to implement this by combining the existing infrastructure of classic regional agricultural advisory and electronic advisory system using modern digital tools. It was found that today it is expedient to provide advisory support for issues related to modern agricultural and information technologies, renewable energy and property rights (purchase, sale) of land plots. Based on the analysis of the results of the questionnaire, the directions of further scientific research were determined, namely: the development of methodological support for consulting on issues of planning technology and control of the production process in crop production under the conditions of the use of digital technologies in the field of crop rotation.
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